Seriously! My Favorite Picture of Argus!

This is my absolute favorite picture of Argus!...Really? Yup really! Read on to find out why.

Argus is a rescue that had a pretty rough start before he was found by his wonderful human Suzanne. He is a 6 year old Pyrenees-Akbash  mix.
Argus had TPLO surgery in December. He is a big boy and being a big dog he needs  a leg to speak with getting everything back in line. Big dogs have a much  more difficult time than smaller dogs bouncing back from a surgery like this.

This was Argus when he first came to us. He needs to strengthen his muscles.

...see we really meant he had to get things "back in line"...

Even though Argus has four legs...he was really only using three.  This was Argus arriving for his second swim. Look at his tail wag! He is such a sweet happy guy.

Well Big Guy...we have work to do.
Argus was not really an active guy due to his physical limitations, thus his recovery is much longer than say, a more athletic dog.

Argus got with the program right away! We had to start him out very very slowly.

Argus could not take too much activity at first. Twice a week was all he could do.
He could only swim a couple of minutes total each appointment in the beginning.

He was so tired after his swim, he is more than happy to have a 'little help from his friend' exiting the pool. He is one long legged dude!

Upon leaving the pool he would have to rest

  just barely getting all of himself on dry land...then the resting...

He had to rest for a long... long... time.

His was so spent he could not stand up. It was like he had jelly legs. The first times he swam he rested longer than he was in the pool.We always let him dictate when it was time to get up.

Argus has been swimming now about a dozen times. Spread over a period of approximately two months. His Mom says he is feeling so much better. She has noticed a big difference in his overall attitude at home.

He is doing things he has not done in long time, and he is moving so much better, With this in mind I wanted to get a picture of him in the office and compare it to the first pictures I posted of him above.
I never got that picture of Argus in the office!

As usual Bill lifts Argus out of the pool. We all think he is going to lay down and rest as he usually does. He just gets himself laid down, he notices me standing there with my camera in hand.
This my favorite picture is the result of...

 Argus LEAPING UP to see me!!

We all stood there mouths agape! I wish someone took that picture! We were speechless. He leapt up! 
LOL... I am amazed I managed to snap the picture, it was purely reflex.

Now I would like to share with you my second favorite picture.
This was also an accident of sorts. We were still celebrating the leap he made from laying down to standing, I was concentrating on his back leg and how straight and beautiful it looked.
I totally missed the beautiful moment going on at the other end!

 Argus beauty at both ends.


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